I would like to know more details on forging.
Is forging dependant on coin amount ?
What happens if someone creates a new wallet using my node, and deposits XCR there. Does it count towards node staking?
I will give you the basics...
Each node out there wether yours or someone else's simply reads the blockchian and shows the info in the blockchain in the form of a wallet...
If you have an address and have that address's passphrase you can access it's info from any node/wallet...
There is some wording that we may need to change...
The Web Wallet may be best called a Web Node
The word wallet is being double defined... we us it to refer to a hosting node that anyone can access and we use it to define ownership of an account...
So if you download and run the software... you are simply hosting a node that ppl can use to access their wallet..
It may be best to not even use the word wallet instead we use
Web Node
Local Node
Account (wallet)
Here this is how it would read...
You can use the Web Node to access your Crypti account which can be accessed from any Node out there. Your account is secured with your passphrase and is used to send and receive Crypti. You may also choose to host your own Node and accsess your account info from your Local node. This Local Node has all the same info as every other Node out there. Every Node uses the Blockchain as a ledger or a recored of transactions, every Node is in sync with each other. The other thing you can do is Forge on your Local Node, if you have a min of 1000 Crypti in an account. All you must do is give your Local Node access to your account, this is done by providing your account passphrase to your Local Node.