This is something we have thought about long and hard and really don't have a solid answer to. I would love to hear your thoughts on a better way to manage investors. If we limit the max investment per person, and total investment we could get 3 or 4 investors who make sock puppet accounts and invest enough to get large percentages on day 1, cutting out a number of later investors and holding huge proportions of the initial stake. I think setting a total cap allows for a few heavy buyers to buy up the entire supply early on and ultimately limits how many people can participate.
If we don't cap, we can't gauge what the distribution will look like, but as many of you have mentioned, if there is a fear of the price initially dipping and no immediate profits on the exchanges, it's possible some of those investors who thought to buy and dump a ton, knowing they might lose money, will invest less or stay away to an extent.
I feel like its a slippery slope and a tough model to design and all launches are experiments and tests for future launches to maybe come up with a better method. At this point, we have come to a consensus where we are and I feel like it is getting too late in the game to change the numbers.
That being said, it's always something good to talk about and continue to evolve so I would love to hear your ideas.
To start out, I don't think the necessary time for a good distribution of this project is left.
To have a really good distribution a lot of work has to be invested into the process. NEM is a good direction to start looking, but they have considerable problems as well.
In any case, to ensure as little possible rulebreakers enter the boat, a multitude of measures are needed.
Things like registering on a website provided by you, gathering IPs, geolocations, blocking tor and surely a lot more.
In the end you can never be sure to filter out everyone going against the rules, but you can make sure whoever tries will have a hell of a lot of work getting past the security measures.
Meticulous sockpuppet removal should always be seen as a long term investment in the project.
Actually, some POS schemes pay interest. New coins are created on the basis of coins you already own.