This was just before the initial distribution. While it was later corrected by SyRenity to reflect the OP; now we have ended up with the same distribution (up to 25% premine for the guys). Now, IMO this amounts to double speak and constant moving goalpost by the team. So I am outta here.
Can you point me where we ever double-spoke? The announcement from the start included 15% + 10% for the team, however following community requests we have made the following changes:
* 10% is a sliding scale, exchanging Crypti % for raised BTC (like company trading equity for more funds)
* All Crypti % are being vested and controlled by the Foundation (which includes members of the community)
And of course, all raised BTC are being controlled by the Foundation.
I personally unable to see how this considered a pre-mine, considering it's in community interest to give motivation to Crypti team to keep working and advance the tech further.
Again, think of it as a start-up business that you considering the invest, do you really think that initial investor and the team that took the risk and self-funded themselves up to this moment, do not deserve 15%-25% (pending how much they raise), which is also released to them on a vested schedule?
Are you being serious? Look at the post I mentioned. Let me quote the two statements for you too:
From me:
15% premine?
the premine is too damn high. Especially when you consider the fact that there will be an IPO. Seems like devs are really greedy.
Premine should only be an option if IPO won't reach any significant amount. I don't see why devs should be rewarded twice, plus the possibility of dumping puts the whole project at jeopardy.
No matter how good the intentions of devs are, such a significant premine will put off any sensible investor and cause a lot of FUD in community.
As it was both written in the OP and explained several times, the raised funds will be transparently managed by the foundation, consisting from both the launch team members and the community members.
The developers and the original investor will only receive 15% + 0%-10% (based on the raised amount), as compensation for their risks and hard work, and as motivation to keep working and advancing the Crypti protocol.
Wait, what?! From what I understood from OP and Grexx was that 0-10% was earmarked for development purposes going ahead and managed by the community and not "received" by anyone. So now everyone's stakes are raised to 15-25%.
here's what you said afterwards:
Wait, what?! From what I understood from OP and Grexx was that 0-10% was earmarked for development purposes going ahead and managed by the community and not "received" by anyone.
Correct, my mistake (fixed in post above).
And then the whole point was never this:
"15% + 0 - 10% (sliding scale, depending on amount of raised funds) of the genesis block will be allocated to the initial buyer, the creator and lead developer of the project, and the Crypti team, to ensure post-launch development of Crypti. These Crypti amounts will be released on a vested schedule, and kept in a public account so all transactions can be monitored."
Rather that if, a big if, there was any development money raised, it will be managed by the community.
So lets see, first you said "managed by community" then changed it to "public account with monitored transaction". Yeah thats totally not doublespeak.
Edit: Now I see you are using "managed by community/foundation" with "All funds will be stored on our BTC account, we will post reports every month." interchangeably. Do you seriously think thats the same thing? Well then all I can say good luck to anyone who invests in this. We will talk after 6 mths.