0 BTC = 10%
50 BTC = 9%
100 BTC = 8%
150 BTC = 7%
200 BTC = 6%
250 BTC = 5%
300 BTC = 4%
350 BTC = 3%
400 BTC = 2%
450 BTC = 1%
500 BTC = 0%
guys, do you think this coin is value 500 BTC , or more. If the final BTC is more than 500 BTC , how can you ensure the investor profit ?
each coin should limit the IPO amount .you just take care of you coin team , but careless the investor , we must be careful .
Its a only a software , but you want too much.
As with any Crypto Currency, no one can ensure investor profit. As with any company or start-up they could always be devalued and lose their worth. That is the nature of being an investor. You take the risk of funding a company that you believe in hoping that others will see what you see and buy the product, invest in the infrastructure, and support the company. You take a risk with possibly limitless potential for up-side. That is the nature of this business. We are not asking for 500 BTC. We simply made a scale that goes from what percentage we would need if we raised 0 BTC, to what percentage would go to the development team if we were to raise 500 BTC. I cannot predict the total investments we will receive. It could be 10 BTC, it could be 900 BTC. Only time will tell. The bottom line is, if you aren't sure or you are uncomfortable, I wouldn't want you to invest now. Wait until the coin launches and watch it for a while, test out the network, and then make your investment down the road from an exchange.
A pre-sale is for those who believe in the idea and want to support it in the early stages to allow us to take it farther. It's up to you whether or not you fall into that category. I am not going to discourage or encourage anyone, it is a decision each and every person has to make for themselves. I know a lot of people have been burned here and I get the hesitance to invest in "IPO" type launches. All we can do is build the best possible product, see our vision through, and hope that others see the worth in what we accomplish.