Staking XC - 101
For those looking to stake XC, it takes on average about 10-15days to stake, you can spread your coins into smaller blocks (blocks of 50 XC's) for a more consistent pay out strategy or you can keep larger blocks.
The optimal block size is from 10 to 5000, with 50 to 500 being the "sweet" spot.
blocks of less than 10 should be combined.
Do you mean split them into different addresses or completely different wallet?
Actually what I mean is this --- (and remember, doing this resets the counter/coin age to zero)
use coincontrol
expand it to list mode
you will list a of coin blocks, you can select multiple coin blocks and send them to a new address on your wallet
this combines those into a single coin block
you listen, and you listen well, young dev, you have ur team make us a visual guide of this or I hunt you down at the next bitconference!