hey all,
I won't say this is off topic as I feel it pertains to both sides.
First, let me say that we hold DRK as well as XC. Just a lot more XC since we mined it from day 1.
I am glad the garbage over the last couple days has subsided, as there was never a need for it in the first place. I have also said this in the XC thread and on Twitter.
I promote the idea that our communities work together and support each other and move on to even bigger things, not for only our fanboy coin, but also for the crypto world in general. The Coindesk article made both sides look like idiots.
Both of these coins have great promise, and there are real world applications for both. It may be true that DRK is further along than XC, but DRK has also been around for much longer. Kind of like an older brother.
Let's do our best to promote cryptos in general, support innovation, and stop making the community look like a bunch of teenage girls.
Thank you