This is really bad news, looks like the mystery dumpers were the hired help.. great.. Dan has always seemed like a great guy but I think he will find this decision and the lack of transparency to be a catastrophic error of judgement... very, very sad to see this...
Back in the day would I have bought on good news knowing I was probably helping the dumpers get out.. no way....
Also synechist, you do a great job and I often praised it but I had no idea you were on the payroll, ditto teka... this really does not sit well...
You don't think it's right that I get paid?
BTW, "mystery dumpers were hired help"? I don't know what that means.
I personally have not been dumping one bit.
Whenever I've had rent to pay I'd plan ahead and sell in little amounts on an uptrend.
Not saying you should Not be paid just had no idea you were.. it's almost like insider dealing in a sense X coin dev and inner circle selling should be disclosed... I cannot believe a single word about this approach was never mentioned.
I consider my salary a private concern. Despite this, I've not kept the fact that I am paid for my work a secret; I've mentioned it here a couple of times.
The idea that a salary is equivalent to insider dealing is absurd IMO.
The really obvious question is: does anyone here seriously think I'd do 5 months of full time work for free?
Syn, its not the fact you were being paid, its the fact that all sorts of things were being paid for out of the pre mine (including you) and I had not idea...
I would have liked to have known you were being paid though, yes...
It is also clear to me now why these mystery dumps happened, we paid (an unknown amount of XC for say - the ATM scheme) we bought into that and they dumped into it....
Personally - had I known all of these schemes were being funded from the premine I would have at least put my opinion across which would have been, focus the premine on getting REV2, REV2.5, REV3 and mobile wallet / app out there... Forget the rest.... Once the core is sound look to expand the operation....
As it was I can see now I really had very little idea what was going on... Or that XC was being spent on quite a large scale...
XC was always run "like a PLC" thats how it has been branded... PLC's do P+L and declare expenses etc etc.... Private companies don't and that's their privilege..
Ultimately though these calls are not mine to make... And I do think you and Dan are both absolutely spot on.. I just think the ball has been dropped big time here, and PERSONALLY, I don't think XC will recover.. Glad to be proved wrong, but I have seen what happens when trust goes in a project many times in the crypto arena... And there are viable alternatives which can be trusted which I think you will see people move towards...
I hope for the guys who have gone in large here I am wrong, as there are some awfully good types in this thread.. I just think they have been shat on.