I can't help but noticed that you are a major DRK coin supporter from your posts.... The lead developer of this coin is Dan (atcsecure), so GTFO with your lame attempt to FUD.
Why is his post automatically taken as FUD? Seems like a valid concern simply due to association. I wouldn't mind some clarification. Even though these are completely separate projects, it is true that it looks bad having any member of the team seen in bad lighting. Why does him having support for another coin have any baring on a valid concern? Does this mean I am not welcome here because I hold DRK and XMR?
Look, jasinlee is already dealing with the issue. What do you think organizer is trying to do when he decides to post it in XC thread instead? Pure FUD, as in putting fear, uncertainty and doubt into jasinlee who is a part of the XC team and in association into XC itself. That is the pure definition of FUD....
I'd go where I could get a response, absolutely. I think things like this are better addressed via PM for those involved, but one way or another, if it's one person asking for some clarification, there is bound to be more. I'd rather have everything aired out in the open and have whatever issues handled as to not further put a negative bias on XC (again, even if it is a completely separate venture from the Fib project). That way, it's simply linking these people to what they are after and be done with it.
Here is his answer from yesterday:
Cache is not a P&D, we still have all the coins and never sold them as any user can check. It is part of how we will build PoBC and is in ongoing development as you can see from the cachecoin thread.
...and that doesn't quite give any sort of insight on the situation with the ASIC project, just that it is separate from XC.
If it's separate from XC, then this should not be discussed in the XC thread. PERIOD.
In theory, I completely agree with you but now there is association and negative "publicity" and for what little publicity XC has, I'd certainly want this addressed and moved past. Do you really want people continuing to believe what they want to believe all because there happens to be a commonality between two independent projects? Air that shit out.