If you read my previous post you will find information on the new market, aka codename ZION.
Correct, although monero will not have a marketplace which only currency is monero, we will.
Is there any objective proof that there is a market interested in Monero Classic?
Your mixing your words up, a market isnt going to adopt MoneroClassic, we are bulding a market.
Yes Monero is, but this thread is about Monero Classic which has the very same properties as Monero thus raising the question why use Monero Classic instead of Monero (which is already popular) ...
Correct monero is already unlinkable-untracable. why? The project is being built to use monero classic as a sole currency for a purpose built exchange.
I think I missed that information, I can not find it anywhere in the thread, can you please refer me to where it is stated that this project has an escrow and who is the escrow?
Negative, we have multi-sig between the two founders and our developer.
And my two previous questions :
What is not censorship-resistant, immutable, decentralized about Monero?
Why would Monero Classic be adopted while Monero is already (being) adopted?
For the simple fact that all the top vendors are being lured to our new TOR marketplace, which will be using MoneroClassic as its sole currency.