It's true i log very few overall info, and nothing about bad shares (well, they are displayed at the moment they are found, but not accumulated, so you don't know how many bad share you had). The yellow log may have one extra line for bad shares.
Online is the very experimental 0.32
It uses a completely new OpenCL generator that is blazing fast (the generator, not the mining code) : compile now takes about one second but it's very possible it adds regressions, since everything is new. I tried to keed all perfs at max (even on RX550) but i cannot be sure. It was stable on my rig, but i haven't a lot of time to test.
It also introduces the -g parameter to filter the GPUs to mine on. Example: -g 0,2 means: don't mine on a GPU other than 0 or 2.
The auto-config should be a little better.
Unfortunately, it still won't work for my win 7-64, blockchain drivers, RX 470-8GB with integrated graphics on MB. Now the output says:
Calling clGetPlatformIDs
Returned CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR -1001
Found 0 OpenCL PlatformIDs