After being gone since last summer (one of the first miners I believe), I recently ran across this thread again and looked into it a little more. I am quite excited to see what kinds of developments you are planning, specifically regarding the MoneroAssets and MoneroTrade "next level research" items.
How many devs are working on this project currently, and are they fulltime? What is the slated release date for some of these new features that are being worked on? I was recently heavily supporting Syscoin, but due to a number of missed deadlines and lack of marketing, I'm taking a step back from them for the time being. Monero seems to have many of the things on the roadmap that caused me to join Syscoin in the first place, so I am thinking that this active community and dev environment may be a better place to put my energy.
Are there any items on the TODO list that need help? I'm a web developer and I'd be happy to help out if I could further a real crypto project in any way.
Seven core team members, 3 academic cryptographers and mathematicians, half-a-dozen deeply involved coders - consider 15. No one is fulltime, most are not even paid at all. No stated release date, by design, although we hinted during the interview at "before the end of 2015" for the GUI wallet (some other things will be released in between, and not only the DB).
Marketing is done slowly because marketing a command line utility with few B2B solutions at present is an exercice in futility. Main marketing for now is word-of-mouth, which is the most realiable way to avoid disappointment (one only makes one first impression).
Also, we are trying to transition to for
this reason:
Bitcointalk is not a good environment if we want serious discussion about Monero. That much should be obvious. At some point we have to start cutting the apron strings and disconnecting from Bitcoin, especially since we share few common goals and no common code. It would be unfair of us to force newcomers interested in Monero to dig through thousands of scamcoin, shill, and troll posts on bitcointalk to find the occasional gem of information.
Additionally, you cannot possibly convince me that people needing help in running and using Monero should all gather in a single thread on a Bitcoin forum?? Nah, we've done our time here, there's no value in maintaining all the Monero threads on Bitcointalk. Anyone here who needs to know about Monero already does know about Monero;)
The 4.5 (!) hours-long interview for Dogecoindark Radio was great but also extenuating. A summary will be available as soon as Rick (from Dogecoindark Radio) edits it (this week-end). Also, once the organisator of CoinFest 2015 have released the video of our talk there, we will publish some additional promotional material.