If anyone has a forum based domain name, Monerotalk/Moneroforum, for ex, then I may be able to help with constructing a forum on it(You can lease the domain name).
MoneroTalk. Personally, I'm not fan of the reddit layout the
official forum is using. A forum and reddit serves two different functions.
Change your sort order in your user settings to Oldest First and you have a traditional flat forum (although no need to deal with pagination because infinite scrolling ftw.
Unless the comment is about Markdown, but
anyone who prefers BBCode to Markdown is clearly stuck in the 90s and needs to get with the program;)
Maybe I'm old fashioned, but I can't stand "infinite scrolling" either. It's a feature I find to be very annoying for the most part (there are exceptions where it can serve a purpose, such as google image search). The problem I have with it is that I can't go to a particular page without scrolling endlessly. There are times when I want to lookup a discussion, and say there are 50 pages, I know it's likely to be somewhere around 30-40, with pagination I can make some guess and narrow it down fairly quick, but with infinite scroll I will have to scroll endlessly through page 1-30 or 50-40 before I can start my search. Another scenario could be you're reading a thread and are on page 30 (or in this case, far into your "scroll") and by accident you close the page or (god forbid) you are stupid enough to click a link without "open in new windows". Now you're left to wonder where you left of.
Try remember how long it took you to scroll down versus if you were on page 30 or not. You can't even remember the location of your scroll bar since there is no such thing as "half down the page" with infinite scroll.
As for my main concern (order), you are right, I can order it by oldest / latest. That's cool. But the quotes are not in the actual post, it's above in a tooltip, but the entire post is not displayed. So what happens if I want to read the post quoted? I have to click the link and it will take me to the post, but with infinite scroll how am I going to find my way back to the responding post? the scroll bar is useless. And it's not unreasonable to assume I want to read the quoted post of the quoted post, and as you move up you're just getting more lost.
Another issue is when there are not enough replies to enable infinite scroll and everything fits in one page, if you click a quoted post, nothing changes on the screen, you don't actually know which post it is. There should be some ajax that marks the post at least. Right now something like #post-144 is added to the url, but that's not very user friendly when everything fits on one page.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something or if this is intentional, but posts are all minimized by default for me if there are a lot of replies. Pretty annoying having to click the unminimize sign to read the post.