how can i open my wallets?
That's an issue with v0.8.6.6. I've heard that it's been corrected in the main repo on github (which isn't too hard to build from source on windows following the instructions). The other option is to update the deprecated wallet using v0.8.6.4 I think, then it will work in the latest version. I have a copy of new binaries built from the github repo (v0.8.6.7 I think) where the issue should be corrected, if you'd like to try to use them you can download here:!aUhwiL6T!VnszNGRJ2-3zcWFxYwiMQO9zc8EeoHNMjAfReuFDtaY
I'm not sure if those binaries at mega will work on your comp. I tried to share some binaries of the database build for windows, and it seemed like they didn't work on anyone's comp but my own, but since the ones linked above don't include database, maybe they will.