I think moneroclub would be a nice addition to the main page slideshow. As if suggesting "you can buy it here [monero club] and you can track your account here [mymonero]".
Can we add/edit content?
Good idea. For the moment, the slider is not "drupal-native" (AFAIK), so it has to be edited by hand, FTP-side.
lyth0s could help on this. I would like it to be editable straigtht from Drupal in the future - it might require changing it completely. There are a lot of
carousel modules for Drupal, but I did not investigated them. Again, either lyth0s (webdesigne for the site) or someone conversant in Drupal would be of use.
For the rest (i.e. non-carousel-content), yes, you can edit. You must first create an account. After that, you shall normally be able to create blog entries that will appear in the blog tab (
https://moneroeconomy.com/blog - for reason unknown, I cannot rename it
https://moneroeconomy.com/blogs, with an "s"). Later, I could give access to other contents, but I'd like to start slowly. Blog entries are for personal considerations. Ultimately, I plan to make them available only for MEW members once I created a MEW role (you already are a MEW member so everything is fine).
I purposefully do not give you more instructions, to check how easy/hard it is to create an account and start blogging with no information.
I created a new tab, "News", which will announce latest news. It will be in-between regular pages like about us, contact, what is Monero... and informal texts like blogs. I started by announcing Jojatetok's newest release.
This great to see.
A few suggestions: multiple websites/forums at various states of development and with different styles really confuses newcomers and makes the project seem a bit disorganised (which is why people default back to bitcointalk). This site should make clear immediately what it is (e.g. title/subtitle indicating this is the MEW website), and should have clear links to the official website/forum on the front page. KISS suggest to me highlight/focus on things missing elsewhere: e.g. a place for the FAQ, a nice, regular core blog highlighting news, development reports, the various infographics going around, and other things. Have the blog on the front page to keep things fresh. Have a cryptokingdom tab as that seems a core aspect of MEW.
I update the site information
Title: Monero Economy Workgroup
Slogan: Fostering Monero adoption
Both are open to change, just say and we'll see.
I'd like to have a translation slogan in Dutch, German and Spanish (but only once any potential about the slogan is addressed)
For a link to the official forum, I ran out of inspiration. One possibility is to have a clickable link on the slogan (which I did), but it goes against the principle of least astonishment. There will eventually by an introductory page linking to the official website, but it won't appear on main page (well, it coul, but it would not be highly visible, since it will be in a page, not as a link). Last possibility would a tab to the official forum, but I really don't like this. Tabs are for navigating inside a website, not outside of it.
The FAQ is already here, check the menu bar
Regular blog with news is addressed now, this is the "news" (I understand that the "blogs" menu bar might confuse people, since blogs are users' (or devs') blogs, not official news, maybe I should find another term. Monday Monero Missives will be announced (and duplicated) here too.
Cryptokingdom will have a page or even a section, yet to see.
Infographics, block explorer... I think a "reference" section would make sense.
Instructions for testing the DB shall appear on the website. Both for Linux and GingerAle ones. Ginger Ale, you could even post them as a blog entry.
Thank you for all these constructive suggestions, it proves there is a demand! Don't forget you can participate yourself!
I would put a question mark. In more details, yes it is bounded in a range, but a question mark is still good enough to get the point.
Exactly. The point of the presentation is to 1) quickly 2) give an idea.