I never said/meant anything at all like what you're saying I said. My only point was simply that *maybe* BTC won't end up being the final crypto that "wins"!
Everything else that both you guys say elsewhere appears to agree with that, right? After all, isn't this usually a large reason why *anyone* gets interested in XMR (or other alts) in the first place? So... WTF really?
Geez, so sorry that I "insulted" Greg, your hero, or something I guess. LOL
Methinks (still) The Ladies Doth Protest Too Much...
P.S. {Edit} Go ahead and reply more if y'all want but this is stupid & I ain't gonna play any more anyway. Whatever
You said "Maxwell is *killing* bitcoin."
That's the same thing as a Bitcoin Obituary.
Own it.
And BTW, and eyeroll emoji is hardly "overreacting" or "protesting too much" but by all means continue characterizing as somehow inappropriate my disputation of your doom-mongering if that helps you cope with the unbearable 1MB status quo.
Killing vs Killed....technicalities.