Appeared in daemon
ERROR {2} {p1} 2016-09-28 18:02:55.163105 [abstract_tcp_server2.inl+515 ::do_se
nd_chunk] send que size is more than ABSTRACT_SERVER_SEND_QUE_MAX_COUNT(1000), s
hutting down connection
Also I've noticed lots of people have not updated to wolfram.
Never saw that one before, but yeah, auto-banning doesn't seem to be as aggressive or doing much, i have to manually do it. Sooo many nodes > 200 days "ahead"... Wasn't a fork supposed to boot those guys? Thanks
All answers are AFAIK.
I believe that is an error message I used to get in an early 0.9 release and could be ignored as it was a problem with someone else's node and you were disconnecting from them because of it. It was repetitive so I restarted my daemon. Have not seen that in quite a while.
I asked about all the nodes that were hundreds of days ahead. The are actually behind and hopefully syncing and it is our synced nodes that are ahead. I hope I got that correct, computer grammar. My daemon has had banned nodes. Having many nodes on the network takes a little getting used to