Monero can handle a lot of transactions, from memory it was estimated to be something like 80%+ of what Visa currently does
80% of what Visa does is very aggressive and optimistic. I won't say it is impossible. Indeed Monero doesn't have "hard limits" and if we are willing to put the nodes in data centers (even many data centers spread around the world), then the transaction rate can be very, very high compared to Bitcoin. Bitcoin could also do this if it put nodes in data centers, but it would
also need a social consensus to remove the hard limits and design ways to do that (dynamic block size, etc.). Monero would new fewer design changes or perhaps none at all.
The reddit link posted here quotes some numbers that are CPU-only and ignores bandwidth and storage concerns (as stated there). Even cheap consumer-grade storage isn't really a concern though, up to about 100 TPS. Bandwidth will be okay for some people in some markets and a show stopper for others. But it can be done.
So, ultimately, what it comes down to is we are limited more by the physical technologies (CPU, bandwidth, and storage; mostly bandwidth) and how that ties in with the desired degree of centralization, and not by hard limits in the coin design itself.