Monero Core (0.9.4) has come a long way since then and I find the CLI very stable on OSX to be honest. I'm running it on El Capitan. No bugs. The only time I have problems is when I upgrade boost and need to regenerate my wallet cache but the average person isn't doing that. You should be able to download the binaries and get started right away.
If you're up to trying it again I'd be happy to answer any questions
Hey - thanks, it's a holiday tomorrow where I am, so I will give it a go. I am not stupid, but have never done Command Line stuff as I have no code (or even PC) background. I made a test wallet on the offline generator this morning and tested it. All fine, but 'recovery' is another thing altogether. I have most of my BTC in laminated paper wallets in a safe and it feels good. But I really went for XMR and it's now worth "way more BTC than my BTC" if you get my drift.
I am humbled and grateful for your offer to help but I will try not to call it in