It seems you are wrong and is quite profitable to mine.
I mine, but not monero. I asked because I was curious how closely the exchange value in btc approaches the cost of mining at this time.
well, the most efficient way to mine is probably the 750 ti.
At current network difficulty, thats 0.09 xmr / day.
The card pulls ~33 watts.
At a rate of 12 cents / kWh, thats $0.09504 per day.
so if any of the math works, thats roughly 95 cents per xmr. So right now its very profitable to mine, if hardware is all paid for.
$0.095 per day on a single card, so a 100 card farm would make $9/day Just go outside and sell lemonade, you'll make more.
Monero is run by botnets, period. I can account for 11MH/s (almost 50% of total net hash) spread across 17 wallets of pure botnet power (got proof, willing to share for 1btc escrow).
stop making accusation already, we all know that all monero miner are honest law abiding citizen and they also has alot of clue how to mine monero with utmost efficiency and prifitabitily.
if still accusing like that, what else will u say, that monero ppl make botnet then pls stop this nonsensical accusation !!! monero is highly profitable and there is no botnet mining monero, its all legit miner with awesome expertise in mining technology.