^^^That is what happens when you don't have a clue, and thus fail.
clueless would say... nice wallet you got there bro
I basically hacked cryptonic.net today as I was able to get their wallet seed and transfer out 2380 XMR. I will of course return the funds to the owner, the only reason I transferred them out is to safe keep them from other potential attackers.
This is something that has been worrying me for a while, but it was only today after receiving a PM from a guy asking for help that I decided to go through the effort. I scanned the monero network, a total of 318 IP's on port 18082. I found 2 matches, and only 1 that I was able to attack. But there could be more vulnerable services out there running on different ports.
When you're running the wallet in rpc mode (you can do that by binding the port) for example like this:
./simplewallet --wallet-file mywallet.dat --password demo123 --rpc-bind-port 18082
Your wallet will be able to respond to RPC calls. What is very important to know is that the RPC calls are NOT password protected. The password I specified in my example (demo123) only protects the wallet. Once the wallet is running as rpc server it will accept incoming calls. Therefore your port 18082 MUST BE CLOSED (or whatever port you use to run the wallet server). This way you can only access the RPC from localhost.
The RPC has calls like "query_key" where you can retrive view_key or the mnemonic seed. That's what I used, but I could also have used commands like "transfer" to take the funds.
This does not affect normal wallets, only if you run it in server mode like I explained above.
As of right now I'd advise people to wait with purchases on cryptonic until the owner has responded and secured his wallet.
It doesn't appear to be any major issue at the moment as I only found this 1 wallet vulnerable, but again I don't know how many are running servers on different ports and I think it's best this info is out in the open so admins can secure their wallets correctly. It's very simple, just make sure that the port you bind your wallet to is closed.