Wow! You must be a billionaire!
And your point is? Either my predictions were correct or they weren't. Did you have a point?
Do you think I would be as objective if I was invested. Use your brain please (ego butthurt shit doesn't help a person be rational).
A person who can predict the future with enough certainty (even if he/she is not 100 % right) can accumulate a significiant wealth with a few trades only.
Let's say, a person predicted silver to rise from 10 usd to 48 usd, you made 4.8 times your money. Then predicting (and shorting) btc all the way down from 1000 usd to 200 usd you made 5 times your money (minus the cost of shorting), then buying XMR for 20 cents each when btc was at the bottom and you closed the short in btc and then selling XMR at 1.65 you made 8 times your money.... Even if you started this type of trading with only 1000 usd you would have ended up being pretty well ROI (from 1 k to around 200 k).
I missed this post. So last reply here.
When I started to realize I had the ability to identify key inflection points and if I didn't push myself to find them and waited until they just were obvious to me, i.e. waited for my opportunities, then I realized I would need to have my funds and assets positioned so that I could take advantage of these rare moments of insight. But I have never been in a position since that realization, to be organized that way. I live in the wrong country. I don't have a permanent address in the USA. I don't have a USA driver's license or utility bill, etc..
For example, when I was almost ready to short BTC from $320 down this past summer, I was wary not only because I have no experience with Bitfinex, but also because their KYC terms are not explicit enough. I might even up with a frozen account.
My life is far too behind schedule even to keep up with basic things of life such as taking a shower more than once a month. How in the hell could I possibly manage speculating properly. I am just being realistic.
The money I have is for paying bills so I can code.
And commenting here is one of the stupidest things I've ever done.
And also winning by speculating feels to me like I cheated my own life (my reason for wanting to do it recently was just desperation about my ill health and needing more money to make some big change). I am so talented as a programmer and creator, then I will take away time from that to go take some other speculator's money. Seems to not be my purpose in life, even though I guess it does provide liquidity to the market. I'd feel much better about myself creating something that helped so many people than just being a liquidity cog in a financial wheel. To imagine myself spending all my days in a thread like this just staring at bid/ask walls would feel to me as though I wasted my talent. So I guess my heart was never in the execution side of it. I enjoyed the analysis, because I love mental challenges and conceptual ideas. The execution feels like I am only a bean counter or a robot. I got interested in silver for ideological reasons. The getting rich part was just a way to hold me until my next big project success. It wasn't in my mind the path for my wealth. The path for my wealth has always been what I can create, not speculate. Although during creation I must also speculate on market needs and such, I apply a rational approach to that.
In short, I don't belong here in this thread. You all are not my people. We don't have the same interests and outlook on what we are prioritizing in our lives. You guys (or at least most of the vocal ones) are all idolizing money.
I (now) realize you weren't slandering me. Thanks.