Just to correct you on one thing. The official GUI wallet is not postponed, it is under active development as stated in the project proposal. More here: https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/2476/the-official-qt-gui-project
If you are looking for other GUI wallets you can find them here: https://getmonero.org/getting-started/choose
I know it's "under active development" for two years now I am just saying that you are postponing it's release to milk out more people out since it is YOUR prize development for last two years. Adding copy paste useless commits to create the illusion of a very active development is old news now and the reason for you and your colleagues not releasing it sooner is because there is nothing else coming after that. It is as if you guys came up and pretended to be active developers yet all you did was simple coding skills with copy pasting all the way down.
I've been keeping the repo up to date.
NoodleDoodle likes to optimise his miner.
TFT started the fork and also assists when things break.
othe's been working on a GUI.
zone117x has been working on a pool.
It's a decentralized effort to maintain the fork, not a strawman team of leet hackers who dwell in the underbellies of the internet and conspire for instamines.
Also please comment how you've managed to miss the fact that RingCT, adaptive fee calculations, multisig transactions, and i2p integration will be happening? How is nothing coming after the GUI?
According to this guy TacoTime Othe been working on the GUI since at least May 14th 2014?!! and you telling me it's not finished yet, people here don't get me I don't care about the GUI wallet I am saying it is POSTPONED until now for a reason which means if they wanted to release it a year a go they could.
@ GingerAle please don't act like Monero developers created ring signatures it was the Bytecoin guys so yes I really now think this coin is nothing but big bag holders of like +100k Monero's trying to get out at highest places "+0.003" with GUI hype along with spamming competitors.