better than losing money. Seriously, vgo isn't even saying anything negative about monero. What's wrong with you people?
Most of his interaction in this thread has been trollish imo... And I am not one to be overly quick to call someone a troll (and I am not calling him one) nor do I think speaking negatively about monero is trolling, but for some weeks most of his posts have seemed to be meant to taunt.
All the - Master Of Trading-, - The Big Guy-, - The Strong Hand-, - I´m Moby-Dick- of this thread, they are becoming XMR in: - Monero: The coin of Pump and Dump -.... NO thanks!!!
XMR outside Polotrap, now!!! What does this even mean?+Eddu(field?) bla, bla, bla... This isn't bad English, this is either lazy or trying to be evasive.+Instamine, bla, bla, bla...
WTF?? ExactlyMonero!!!
( Sorry for my bad english, again.)
"WTF?" Exactly my thought while reading this word salad.
I don't know if you are talking about this thread, criticisms of dash, or some sort of insider game of fake walls? Complete sentences explaining your thoughts coherently would go a long way--a lot longer than saying you have bad English. If it is that bad, why are you here? This isn't a Rosetta Stone forum and your posts read like trolling.
I understood well what he wanted to say. Not necessarily based on this particular post but based on the previous posts.
He is trying to say the price should be lower in order to him to entering.
I tend to agree: I am not that excited to buy Moneros at current price levels. I own Moneros (I am one of the early adopters since May-early June 2014) so I have one of the longest experience in Monero "game".
I buy when I consider the price being right. I sell when I consider the price is too high. And I am telling pretty openly my aspirations.
A few times I have been wrong (probably 1-3 times), but in the most cases I have been right. Bitcoin-wise I am richer now than I was when I did not own a single Monero, therefore I can say I have been a successful in my trading.
No trader is 100 % of times right - it is enough a trader is 51 % of times right and he is making money.