Is it a good thing to have MP on board? It seems pretty clear that Satoshi intended for larger blocks to come back (apparently original block size was 32 MB in bitcoin), and MP and his acolytes have been trolling hard to prevent any change and keep 1 MB blocks. XMR devs have committed to changing the code to add infinite inflation, 1% a year I think; is it unreasonable to think he would be virulently opposed to a significant change like this in Monero, even though it's essentially already agreed upon? Not saying it's necessarily a bad thing he if he is a Monero holder/supporter, just that maybe could be more trouble than it's worth...
Satoshi is gone, heres what the current devs say about it: Todd is a developer. __The__ developer says that 20 MB blocks should be implemented in ~1 year, and I believe has already made public the code in a github repo. Also, I think it was pretty clear from some of satoshi's writing that 1 MB blocks were a temporary measure to combat spam, and he was considering (re-)raising the limit back in 2010: (he's even going to send out an alert telling people to update, just wait and see). Anyway, my point was that I'm not a fan of the tactics employed by Mircea Poopoo and his entourage in attempting to derail the increase in Bitcoin block size, what peripheral devs think not withstanding.
Also, I know Monero has adaptive block size. I was commenting that Monero still needs to hard fork to implement permanent inflation rewards, and that maybe MP will be bellyache/troll similar to how he has over increasing bitcoin block size. It's kind of a scarcity issue along the same lines I think.