ossibility of offshore fundsr another) private untraceable asset class and the effects on the price of those assets. Ie trying to calculate expected value. Even if you assign very very modest percentages to that probability and the share which ends up moving in, an incredible EV is the outcome.
The amounts of wealth being hidden offshore is just immense. Just the top 30 US companies account for a staggering 1,199,879,000,000$ (1.2 trillion) in 2014. http://ctj.org/pdf/offshoreshell2014.pdf An incomprehensible figure, and mind you, this is just the top 30 of companies. There are thousands of companies and individuals hiding wealth in those taxhavens. Estimates go as high as 32 trillion. And this was just in 2012! Imagine what that figure is now, with the excessive monetairy expansions in the US, Japan, EU etc.
With the current budget deficits of virtually every government (sponsored by superlow interestrates created by the CB's) whilst (casually) trying to be solved with austerity or taxhikes on the one hand, and this excessive hiding of wealth on the other is a growing and dangerous disequilibrium. Once taken to far (and it's rapidly evolving that way) it will agressively flip and turn. Study history and you see this happening over and over again. What will happen to all of that stored wealth? Nobody knows, but chances are that some of it will be converted to a private untraceable asset class which has the properties of a scarce commodity, with the transferability of a mainstream currency.
In the topic earlier it was asked what will happen at 2015.75 and that is, for me at least, the trillion dollar question
I'm a big fan of Martins work. I know @rpietila is familiar with him...that is why I refered to Risto with the question. It would be interesting to hear his opinion.
Regarding offshore funds moving....this is only a small piece of cake so to speak. As Martin writes in one of his last blog posts we are headed toward electronic money. No, that most certanly won't be btc but its purpose will be taxing small people. So what is the solution? Xmr? Maybe, but there are people that see certain flaws in xmr privacy (weak points for that matter) I have no knowlege in coding for evaluating coins privacy so all I can do is trust people with reputation in coding. For now that is xmr dev team but maybe something better will come down the pipe in a year or two. There is not much time left however.