My take is, we've taken crypto to the next level by now and if you notice crypto crowd (early adopters, investors and etc) has matured to the point where coins with solid technical fundamentals that offer most innovative, real life practical solutions would be the ones to survive... My guess is by mid 2015 most of the investors will have to decide to either stay in bitcoin or move onto next venture if they don't see real progress in it in terms of its innovation and practical usage in future... All they see is speculative frenzy at the moment... Crypto space needs more investors like Marc Andreessen who invested close to 50 million to create ecosystem to solidify infrastructure rather than be a locust fund to hoard coins only to dump them later...
So far i like the way Monero is moving along, we have real interest in ecommerce platform that could integrate monero and if Atrides implements it could be a huge take off and probably lead the race in that niche. Also we have a game by Risto that makes use of Monero...