just trying to ask the right questions and keeping it real.
The question of "wide usage" does very little to differentiate cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is about as widely used as Dogecoin or Quarkcoin when compared to the US dollar any major currency (i.e. not widely used at all). So the question doesn't help. It merely lumps all crypto together. Bitcoin should not be lumped in together with Quarkcoin. All crypto is experimental. Any real long-term gamble (or "investment," if you want to be snooty about it) in crypto must be made based on expected value. Implied probability. Aminorex said it better than I can say it:
I am convinced, by facts and logic, that it is the best investment on the planet at this time. If it goes lower, it becomes even better.
Fact: U.N. estimates global black market at 2 tn USD in 2012.
Fact: PQ=MV
Fact: Cryptonote is the only dark transaction protocol providing useful levels of unlinkability and untraceability.
Fact: XMR is the leading cryptonote coin by orders of magnitude in liquidity.
Fact: XMR is not usable by non-technical persons without trusting a web wallet today, but will be when GUI, DB, and multi-sig are officially released.
Logic: Dark markets will adopt the best usable privacy and hence PQ is assured to approach some fraction of 2tn
Fact: Multinational corporations require to maintain secrecy in their internal cross-border transactions.
Logic: When XMR liquidity is high enough, it will be adopted by multinational corporations for internal cross-border transactions
Fact: Nation-states and the central banks which own them seek to enslave the planet, taking control of financial assets at will.
Logic: Wealth will migrate to dark storage, and when XMR has sufficient liquidity, it will be the dominant form of dark storage.
There is a clear three stage path from miniscule to gigantic, each step of which bears a fundamental inevitability. It is possible although unlikely for an alternative dark ledger to take the lead, but until then, XMR has the most asymmetric risk/return in the history of finance.
And what he means by "asymmetric risk/return" is that there may be a small chance that xmr becomes the dominant form of private wealth storage in the world. Yet if it does, it will be worth at least hundreds of times more than it is now. I am not supporting or acquiring XMR based on its current use as a currency, but rather on its expected value.