Why do you keep listening to the same voices that got you into this mess in the first place?
Or is there just a fresh cycle of noobs that keeps filling the place of those exiting?
Thank you for your concern for others.
Yes some people are a bit optimistic for the short term but there is no reason to be pessimistic.
#1 is because of high emissions. They are however coming down. The reward was over 16XMR/blk in June and as shown below it is now under 14XMR. Everybody likes round numbers and one such number is 13.888 which is the block reward where less than 20,000 are mined a day.
Last Reward: 13.8221 XMR
Last Reward: 13.9692 XMR
Last Reward: 13.8221 XMR
Last Reward: 14.1005 XMR
Last Reward: 13.9750 XMR
#2 is waiting for necessary improvements for XMR to be able to be used by The Drooling Masses®. Although I am one of The Drooling Masses I have been able to mine and use XMR due to motivation.
#3 is the FUD of the last 3 weeks which is coming to an end one way or another "soon".
May I also point out that btc has been in a decline since June as well. XMR is niether a shitcoin nor a P&D
@smooth, your welcome although at this point I'm not in a mess