WTF, Dumping them hurts their value so why didn't he do it correctly?
1. He gathered as much $ as MtGox owe to their debtors. Why on earth he would sell more?
The rest will be returned to MtGox owners in BTC and not in $. So there is zero reason for any additional selling after February when all the needed $ was already gathered.
2. What it is correctly? Make an auction like USA did with Silkroads coins? What was the price they got? $500 , $600? That was a nice "correctly" way
This guy sold 40k BTC he currently manage. Lousy 40k and so much drama. I dont understand this really. He sold them at high liquidity when was bull market. Well Was maybe a bit to late. He did relatively well. Yes would be way better if he would dump at 20k but please what is chance any of us would know and dump all back then.
If Bitcoin cant eat 40k coins dump at times when half world was hyping about Bitcoin. Everyone was talking about it and try to open account on some exchange. If that is the case, then it have zero future. 40k coins. What if Satoshi shows up and dump his? what will be then? Nuclear winter?
Thanks for this, I had no clue that he had enough BTC to pay back the initial theft amount in BTC.
It's the 1.39 Billion USD worth (IIRC that was the reported amount) that they said he was still needing to unload that is causing all the fear. Not any worry over a 40k sell on the market.
If Bitcoin cant eat 40k coins dump at times when half world was hyping about Bitcoin. Everyone was talking about it and try to open account on some exchange. If that is the case, then it have zero future.
Imagine if a similar proportion of the daily liquidity in usd was dumped into FX markets over a couple of months. That would amount to roughly 700bn. Nuclear winter? Perhaps literally so. Roughly guessing, USD might trade 2.5 to the EUR. But in fact it would never happen
ceteris paribus - other central banks would double down on their printing, to keep up. It would amount to a global devaluation. Hmmm... perhaps cryptoland resembles that remark.
That's some perspective there, But afa I'm concerned the only worry I saw was what they were reporting he was still going to dump the rest.
I guess it's shit article. I really don't bother to follow BTC news so took it at face value.
BTC is nothing more than a gateway to XMR to me.