I thought that was what all the reddit we got a million new users thing was about?
In reddit its there im talking about facebook and twitter ,recently people who has no idea in crypto also invested in bitcoin boom in december and ethereum,like that monero is not popular among common people ,thats my point
That is my point, I thought "people who has no idea in crypto" masses went to reddit to upvote inane posts and have one big moderated circle jerk? Whats the difference between that place and fagbook?
I thought that was what all the reddit we got a million new users thing was about?
The Monero subreddit is pretty misleading, yes it has 100k subscribers but I dare say it isn't at all active for having 100k subs.
You still see posts on the front page with like 1 upvote that is up for 10+ hours (sometimes a day) which just shouldn't happen for a subreddit of that 'size'
I think its mostly because the overwhelming majority of people in crypto only care about the price then they realise they aren't allowed to post anything about the price then get shunned to an even more inactive subreddit.
I have no clue there, I post a reply and then cannot even find my own post. that place sucks.
I'm pretty sure Monero will rise up hard with the market demand very soon! Thanks for your time.
It's seriously effecting exchanges, thats for sure.
And: tighter capital controls will always be very very good for Monero.
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