1. Your statement about Ethereum is flatly false. The Ethereum Metropolis fork adds support for both approaches, not just Zcash (zksnarks and ring signatures). In fact I came across a video last week where Vitalik was personally explaining the benefits of both.
2. Companies like JP Morgan will often make big announcements about high profile initiatives and partnerships when working with other companies such as Zcash. Frankly in only a minority of cases do these intitiatives ever lead anywhere beyond press releases. However, those same companies also very often have people internally and quietly working with decentralized open source technologies. I would be virtually certain there are people within JP Morgan studying Monero and thinking about how to make use of it (and other open source cryptocurrency projects too), without any press releases being generated. That also does not guarantee it will ever lead anywhere (perhaps Jamie Dimon will find out and fire them).