This went viral - it shows 30 pageloads per second. I think the song is about XMR tbh
See how fast the Global Repeats is growing when you hit the Your Repeats (such as letting it start again).
Finally busted you scamming piece of euro trash. Why don't you just fuck off.
For anyone that doesn't know, this guy has been manipulating the market for years and ran a massive scam on the community through a game that was supposed to support the eco system but cost a shitload of members their investments to the tune of at least 500BTC from what I have read.
In my opinion, the monero will fall and fall and go into oblivion, the capitalization of $ 30 million
That is because you are a moron, But you are entitled to your opinion even when it's wrong.
Hell yeah! Mine as well. Did you know they are now classifying Floyd as Psychedelic rock? I've done my share and a little more than that.
I am pretty relaxed ...
Glad you are feeling relaxed. But looks like you are also wrong.
Yet, we may self-interestedly encourage such wrongness, on the theory that his loss is our gain, as for example:
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So you got stolen your CK funds and now you are held liable for this?
Just follow the links in his feedback, all the info is there.
Let's try not to veer too far off topic. Fraudulent fractional reserve scams and unpaid debts aren't directly related to Monero speculationActually it is relevant as this was a marketing decision to help create the ecosystem which is an intrgal part of speculation. Not commenting on this would be akin to not commenting on the adoption from the dark Markets.
Although I am of the opinion that the impact will be small on the ecosystem and by extension the price as those that got scammed are from what I can see the majority of long term holders that will not be put off of XMR because of this.