"All countries are advised to consider the creation of the crime of unexplained wealth."
That crime is only reserved for the non-elite.
We live in a broken world where the rules only apply to those that don't own 95% of the world's wealth.
Sadly this is absolutely true.
Yes. Crypto is the first thing, in over 30 years observing this illusion, which has got me truly excited. Short of widespread armed rebellion which I cant really morally support. Henchmen are people too...(;-)
But crypto is smarter than that. It is as subversive as the written word and quite mighty because it is powered by the very control grid it subverts. Brilliant. A word much overused but not in this instance.
All it needs is a large enough group of people to trust it as a store of value and agree on it. Once it is secure and anonymous and gets critical mass it cant be stopped. We are just about there.
Bitcoin however could result in the ultimate control grid for the sheep so I am wary of it going deeply mainstream. An almighty self auditing administrator of finance & property with many secondary layers which can all be nullified at the source. Pretty good virtualisation of the self governing sheep and sowjet russia's wet dream. So it worries me on some level.
We need Monero or the like. Its not a massive scope in terms of functionality required, so first mover advantage is distinct as long as the quality is there. Defining quality as fit for the intended purpose here, which is private financial activity to the level I choose and which I take responsibility for.
Not belittling efforts here at all but it is a 'simple' problem where any elegant solution is simple by necessity. There is no need to become the eierlegende Wollmilchsau (look it up - some lol images too) a la ETH by trying to be everything to all people. That place is occupied by Microsoft ,need I say more.
2017 will be the year the btc blockchain will be reigned in and domesticated imho. It might well go moon after that but under strict supervision and only then.
So the the time to shine is soon for the project which protects the original vision and defends an absolute human right in this world. That of financial privacy and protection of wealth.
Clearly Monero is in a great position to be best out of the block.
First mover advantage is distinct as long as the quality is there. It will be quite a scramble to move the 1000 rupiah coins to safe haven once the collective light comes on.
At the moment Monero is head and shoulders above current offerings and with the future vision of Kovri and so on I can see a mostly bright future with only the odd terror thrown in.
In my opinion Monero is the natural progression of the original vision of crypto. For me this means responsible people being sovereign administrator over their finances and private lives. This does not ever imply illegality nor tax evasion. All dues can be paid well and proper. \
But my wealth, my habits, my whereabouts is only the business of myself and those that I choose to let know. End of story.