If it were a business your opinion on the matter of our "business sense" might count for something, but it isn't and it isn't trying to be one either. You might reconsider your statement in light of that. I have a pretty good idea you have no clue what you are talking about.
are you not trying to compete in a space where big business is increasingly present....some business smarts would count for something, surely?
I think you are digging yourself into a hole (more like a bottomless pit) if you think there are no "business smarts" on the Monero team.
There is a huge difference between that and suggesting that an open source project be treated as a business rather than an open process including engagement with the broader community (not just true believers) and being not only open to but participating in public criticism and debate. That's way too much like sausage making for most businesses (e.g Starbucks withdrawing from social media recently), but it's how open source works.