What about a new version?
V6 - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1189851/jhPrimeminer-GMP-v6.zip
1. Initial Auto tuning related to L1 cache size. It takes about 4 min after the minder was started. For some configurations can double the seeped.
2. Keyboard shortcuts for those that likes to play with the numbers.
3. Round sieve percentage - Similar feature that was introduced in mikaelh's hp8 primecoin client. https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/xpm-ann-primecoin-high-performance-hp14-released-255782
Basically the parameter sets how much time is spent in the sieve and how much time is spent on checking the candidates produced by the sieve.
Edit: Both the miner and the mpir.dll Compiled with AVX flag - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1189851/jhPrimeminer-GMP-v6-AVX.zip