Headless: https://www.dropbox.com/s/au38oem2q6nke9k/RATECoind-v2.0.0.4-Raspi2.tar.gz
I will note, however, that these binaries are compiled against bdb5.3.28 instead of bdb4.8.30. transferring files from a 4.8.30 based build over to these won't be a problem, but going the other way will cause errors.
Install Instructions
1. Download
2. Untar
3. Run
4. Profit!
I will get these added to the official release page asap!
Very nice, thanks fuzzbawls.
Presstab, you should of seen fuzzbawls on IRC passed few days while you were away, he couldn't wait to give you this nice suprize. He wouldn't share with us what it was
Now I need a raspi to try this out.