Hello XTRABYTES Community!Yesterday we released our 3rd and BEST version of the XTRABYTES ANN, which is a major piece of our ongoing branding campaign. There has been a tremendous amount of positive feedback from the XTRABYTES Community with regard to our new logo/design as well as the information contained on the ANN. Thank you!!
At this time, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone for your input and this includes the entire XTRABYTES Community as well as the Board and the Developers. We have been listening to feedback and suggestions and always will. When we all agree that something is best for XTRABYTES we will implement it ASAP. As a result of this community development aspect, we have a powerful and very impressive ANN and this is just the beginning of the great things we have planned for the near future.
Further to this, after we posted the ANN, the XTRABYTES Community stepped up and immediately went to work with helping us weed through the typos, grammatical and punctuation errors and other suggestions to increase the readability of the ANN. So, I want to thank you all for helping. This is what TEAMWORK is all about and as a T.E.A.M. Together Everyone Achieves More.
Speaking of TEAMS:We are now in the early stages of our Phase 2 campaign.
Part of Phase 2 is going to include the assembly of various TEAMS to coincide with a 90 day marketing blitz across any and all channels where we will find NEW people to join the XTRABYTES Community.
There will be some interesting surprises included with this. Thus far, we have recognized several different leader personalities who we will ask to take on elevated roles. However, we would also like to put a call out to anyone sitting back watching to please come forward on the Slack and let us know if you would like to participate with the upcoming marketing blitz.
This marketing blitz will start on Sept 4th, but we wanted to give some advanced notice so that everyone is aware that we have some FUN and COMPETITIVE EXCITEMENT coming!!
We also do not want to wait until Sept 4th to assemble the TEAMS...
We want to BLAST OFF on Sept 4th!!Thank you for your patience and trust - We will all win in the end!!
Dave, Zoltan and the XTRABYTES Board