I'm new at this.
Use ccminer: ccminer.exe -a vanilla -o stratum+tcp://pool.vchain.info:3033 -u VnM1mHZeLNNDwywsfuEdy5DfgWAZMDrXJi -p password
Use Vcash Version
1-1.5GH 1.5 days
But my balance 0.000000
What is the problem?
Your address is under Workers Stats on the pool so it's good. You have to wait until you've mined 3 XVC and for it to confirm in order to get a payout.
And with a purse can be a problem? How can I check it?
Oh, if you want to check how much is in the address, just put it in an explorer: https://explorer.vchain.info/
Your address hasn't received a payment yet.