Thanks for the reply.
Can you tell me a little more about what you meant bu earn more and how?
currently I am holding my coins in bittrex exchange
thank you
it will rise again
if you want to hold, move the (the tx must be exactly 10,000 or more XVC) 10k XVC to your wallet, then make sure your unique port is forwarded (see/edit in config.dat).
start the wallet and wait for it to sync
next unlock the wallet and wait about 15 minutes.
click the gear on the lower left of the wallet, console tab, click in the field, hit the down arrow until you see
getincentiveinfo then select and enter that
hopefully you should see this:
"walletaddress": --------------see your default address here---------------,
"collateralrequired": 10000,
"collateralbalance": 10012.04809,
"networkstatus": ok,
"votecandidate": true,
"votescore": -6774
it's all good, you can lock the wallet now, just keep it online and you'll recieve a few coins daily