[quote author=Josek8
Ufffff, how complicated.
So in the Antiminer panel that indicates, Diff, Prioritiy, Accepted, Diffa, DiffR, Rejected, Stale, LSDiff, LSTime, it is of no use.
I understand that with a 104Th S19J pro it is very difficult to find a block, isn't it?
I have seen that the last miner who found a block with CKpool had only been mining in Ckpool.... for 1 week.
I spent the past 2 months documenting bestshare numbers on a variety of devices and services. My broken S5 hit 9 trillion on a bestshare and a good working S7 can't get out of the 300 billion bestshare.
Then I used Nicehash to rent 1ph for 24 hours (129 miners) and had a 1T bestshare and then did 5ph (702+ miners) for 24 hours and only got to 800B. Then did crazy runs at 45ph (3400+ miners) for 90mins and got only 334B. Then did 65PH.for 90mins (5300+ miners) and got 119B. And on and on.
It's so clear that it's just luck. Yes the Hash rate matters but it takes just one good Hash and you are there. The moment that some company brings in quantum computing into the mining will be the day I throw my equipment away. They will get almost all blocks, especially when working in parallel univs. It's coming. But until then...MINE ON! (With the awesome solo pool by CK)
I can have a continuous S19j Pro 104 in CKpool, I currently have it running in Ckpool....
With all you know about SHA256, how long would I have it trying to solve a block.....
My idea is to leave one alone in CKpool for a long time but there are times that I think about it and in a year is a lot of money that I will not earn, if it is true that you can find one and earn much more, but the latter is only if you find it, if you do not find it I have nothing....