What are you saying
"chipmixer-foxpop merit" here the most powerful group - doesn't others have a right to say something? - do you only have rights?
If so, they will ban everyone except you! - but I won't shut up until then
Are we extras here? Are we co-players?
Say anything you want, your role in DT will reflect that. You are far less likely to be removed for the things you say in posting or creating topics. People here really do hammer home the freedom of speech. I am no member of any group, I'm privileged enough to have earned a spot in the Chipmixer campaign, I receive merits from people who feel I contribute or have value, and I disperse them accordingly.
I could be banned just asa easily as the next person - should I commit a bannable offence, I won't because I try to ensure I comply with forum rules. What can I say some people are willing to think outside of themselves in situations, it's fairly helpful.
When it comes to the Trust/Feedback system, you can still say anything you want or do as you please. The other side of that is if you have a role in DT, there are expectations and guidelines on how this system is to be implemented. So that leaves you with a choice.
-Continue to throw a temper-tantrum lose your position within DT.
-Grow up, develop thicker skin, and use the system as it's designed and bring your complaints to threads or topics for discussion.
I repeat that it is a privilege that bears responsibility to be on DT, one that has had others just walk away from it completely. If you are not up to the task then leave it be. In this system we are all extras meant to give an impression to new users or newly met users to help guide transactions and interactions.
I will leave you with this. I have been in your situation a couple times now I think. Negatives no longer are the be all and end all of the world. So if you get tagged and there is even a remote reason it has some value you should try and engage in a dialogue - not an argument - with that individual to see if it can be resolved. If there is no resolution you can take the next steps, but I repeat you should never leave a Neg, just because they did.