ok i confirm tested personally the withdraw works but unfortunately it seems that the posts in the local bords are not calculated...
I have also tested it today and yesterday. Script does not calculate posts in local boards (except Russian one*) and off-topic board, this is beyond any doubt. Withdraw also works as it supposed to.
*as it
was reported by WhiteManWhite
I can't guarantee a 100% correct statement, just relaying information from a man who communicates with the Yobit team. Everything will be clear tomorrow.
Apparently, posts @ russsian local board DON'T COUNT. Still there is no clarification on the subject from YoBit admins, we are patiently waiting, yet in this post (in rus local board thread) Alex077 wrote that:
Cитyaция нeмнoгo cтpaннaя, я нaпpимep пoлyчил вoт тaкoй oтвeт oт пoддepжки Yobit :
Пoдcчeтoм зaнимaютcя coтpyдники фopyмa. Mы нe мoжeм пoвлиять нa этo.
Bы пepeвoдитe cтpeлки нa ниx, a oни нa вac. Peбятa жeлaтeльнo быcтpee пpoяcнить cитyaцию, пoкa нe пoшли нeгaтивныe тeмы пo этoй биpжe..
"the situation is strange, for example, i've recieved this kind of reply from Yobit support:
Forum moderators are responsible for counting [posts]. We cannot affect on that."
Don't they think yahoo will count all boards, do they? lol. I hope that they are just misinformed about this bounty campaign somehow.