so assume if a user wagers with one account all time and level up so that he gets better Rakeback %.
assume someone creating a brand-new account all the time and all these accounts are low level so less Rakeback bonus.
Or you can simply send a tip from your brand-new account to the main account. This will not be visible on the blockchain as it is an internal yolodice transaction.
This way, you can hide your deposits from the outside while retaining the ability to level up.
Yeah hiding from other people is quite common in other places as well, mainly changing accounts once a week is something people use a lot.
You have this main account that is basically referral for your all other accounts and you deposit there and you tip with that and so forth which means that account is the main one but never gambles and never seen. Then you start a new account, get the tip, you start gambling, if it is a lot it will take attention and people will start to maybe question it, beg for money, try to hack whatever, after a week you remove all the money there and open another account and deposit to the main and tip the new account and do all of this again and again. I do not think there is a need for stuff like this, but if you really want to, this is another version.