the fact that you will not instantly earn a big percent amount in just a couple of weeks. Probably it takes years before you will have a good result and there should not have a variance of your investment that the most you worried about. I saw a thread on the gambling discussion board about their investment in Bustadice and Yolodice but as what I saw there it seems all went good. Their profit was still there even OP updated the thread weekly.
Let me add few more things on investments and how much they worth. For example, the first time Warren Buffet invested int geico was 1996, that was 24 years ago, or coca cola in 1988, that is 32 years, or Gillette for example 15 years ago. As you can see this dude has investments stretching 4 even 5 decades in total. He is one of the richest people in the world and he didn't made that much money by investing into silly stuff for a quick return. No, he did smart and wise decision into what he should buy and made profit in decades, and I mean really long periods, so you know he has waited for those profits.
In the end if you want to invest into yolodice, that is a smart decision, but if you want to actually make a difference in your life, you have to wait not "weeks", doesn't matter how many weeks it is, you have to wait "years" to make it worthwhile.
Warrn Buffet has a nose for money. You can't really compare us to him
As for long term, i agree. But you have to realize, most people are impatient, and check their balance every day (i know i do), and when they see few consecutive days of negative numbers, we start to worry.
Few days of that, and weak hands kick in, and well, you know the rest...