If you have more money would you again take the risk and invest or would you just stop trading and try to earn in some other way?
Loss in what? Trading or just the general investment into other stuff? Im thinking that you are speaking about the trading here. This thing is risky but also at the same time its not avoidable. So if you want to avoid the huge losses then first of all try to recognise the risk behind it. If you still make some sort of mistakes and then get into loss then you should take a break from that activity. At last this is what I do. I will prepare myself for the next goal again and if I'm having more money with me then this time I will understand the mistakes that I made and will enter into it again. Most probably I will try to recover the loss first before I can start getting the profit. If I reach the break even and think that this activity can not give me profits further then I will stop the trade or particular investment. And if there is green signal about the further profits then I will just jump in.