nbt is not fulfilling its obligation to maintain $ 1.
nbt was $1 ———> $0.03-0.04
dct was $3.2 ——-> $0.05
Which is more garbage coin?
To begin with, I see no notification on Bittrex's market page, their coin removal notification page, nor their Twitter stating that nbt is being delisted. https://bittrex.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/200560334-Coin-Removals If you have proof, please share the link.
Next, the only coins that have anything close to an "obligation to maintain $1" are stable coins. Of which DCT is not. Failing to maintain some arbitrary value is not a reason which Bittrex, or any exchange I know of, takes into account when deciding to delist a project. It is a free market. Otherwise why did they not delist NBT the first time it crashed back in 2016?
So, how does another project that is or isn't getting delisted have anything relevant to do with DECENT?
You are getting even dumber in your FUD game....
Hey!!! Idiot!!!
Oh my mistake. sorry.
not bittrex but upbit announcement.
Your excuse is lame.
Dct is a garbage coin now. There is no excuse.
And again, no record of ANY notification of delisting NBT from upbit. Want to try a different exchange?
Besides, what difference does it make whether or not NBT is being delisted? This thread is for DECENT and other coins being delisted has no bearing on DCT.