Говорит, что переводит посты через гугл переводчик, возможно случайно что-то перепутал и не тот текст вставил.
У вашего знакомого это не один раз было.
The future platform can become a unique ecosystem for various decentralized applications, covering such areas as finance, IoT ("Internet stuff"), supply chains, social networks, computer games and much more.
Innovative technologies for the identification procedure, a comprehensive management structure and application-oriented design of the project provide him with a number of advantages over Bitcoin and Ethereum - the current leaders in the crypto-currency area.
The authors of the Usechain project emphasize the use of a variety of innovative technologies, such as RPOW (randomized proof of performance), a multi-level block network, integration with various state structures in the creation of a global identification system.
More details https://medium.com/usechain/rpow-an-innovative-consensus-algorithm-by-usechain-cc22099b7ffd
К слову, аккаунт Aion2n, по всей видимости, сменил владельца этой весной.