The trademarks, logos and service marks, whether registered or unregistered (collectively the "Trademarks") displayed on the Visa Site are Trademarks of Visa and others. VISA®, the Three Bands Design Mark®, CLASSIC®, the Comet Design Mark®, the Dove Design Mark®, ELECTRON®, ENTREE®, the Impulse Design Mark®, INTERLINK®, the Network Design Mark®, PLUS®, the PLUS Design Mark®, and It's Everywhere You Want To Be® are registered Trademarks of Visa in the United States and other countries (trademark denotations on the Visa Site indicate federal registrations in the United States). Nothing contained on the Visa Site should be construed as granting by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, any license or right to use any Trademark displayed on the Visa Site without the written permission of Visa or such third party that may own the Trademark. Misuse of any Trademarks, or any other content, displayed on the Visa Site is prohibited. Visa aggressively enforces its intellectual property rights, including via civil and criminal proceedings.
Highlighted the relevant parts for you.
Who the fck cares about US trademarks? The OP certainly not.
Who would Visa want to file a lawsuit against? There is nobody to reach.
... this project itself is a different story
Visa is trademarked in most countries in the world on the just the US, read their terms.
They also have a history of aggressively crushing anyone that conflicts with their trademark
I think this is a concern that the dev should address here if this is to be a long term project
You sure are right, but as you can see there is not even a reply. The unknown dev resides in cryptoanarchy and is not going to care about trademarks, you see.