You really have a very very short term memory, don't you ?
The way you twist words is hilarious.
Debunking a rational person's central points can be interesting.
In your case, it's a complete waste of time.
How many of your own hours have you wasted typing here ? To achieve what ?
What happened to those who addressed your points ?
Time and efforts wasted since you're still around rehashing the same shit over and over.
Keep going, at least you can be entertaining at times.
LOL if they were irrational then it would be very easy to debunk them.
You can not provide ONE INSTANCE where you or anyone has debunked one of our central points regarding your friends being proven scammers, you being a scammer supporter and trust abuse or the systems of control.
Stop going full retard in public.
Bring an example or it is empty words.
@owlcatz the scammers supporter and extortionist here if a real legend with achievements here that dwarf ALL of DT's combined and NOT ONE example of financially motivated wrong doing asking if he was banned LOL
Sorry scammer supporter and extortionist owlcatz you should be banned along with scamming buddies tman and lauda.
LOL at the new key word "rational" haha
They believe it is rational that they can't provide one clearly debunked central point of ours for presentation but the reader should just accept the fact that all of their excuses and defenses got debunked clearly so they are the rational ones.
Keep going full retard in public we love it.
Direwolf or direposting burger flipper as we call him believes that when we say " the pharmacist was the alt of hugeblackwoman" that is an OPPOSITE OF FACT haha... no moron that is the truth. It is undeniable.
The discerning reader must be thinking when are these bunch of DT members going to close TOAA down and demonstrate they have debunked his "irrational" central points at least a few times before....haha I mean surely they must have debunked just ONE of his central points??
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO keep waiting reader our central points are simply observable instances of their prior financially dangerous behaviors.
Bob is just their latest useful idiot. They go for the low functioning dregs like pharmacist, micgoosens, direwolf, tman (the lowest) and other broke down bums that wills say anything to have a sig to spam.