Not very honorable or trustworthy.
The troll has been going at it from (at least) 2 accounts for about a year now, in thousands of posts in dozens of threads. And every once in a while, a new user engages, until they too give up and click "Ignore". Then the drama repeats itself.
Just ignore him, there's no other way you can win this.
Boblawblaw SCAMMER SUPPORTING AND TRUST ABUSING THREAD CAN BE FOUND HERE aka loyceV the low functioning one trick raw data spouting turd, does not have the capacity to realize
1. tman is breaking the rules and not providing any corroborating evidence to back up his claims' HENCE WHY IT IS GETTING DELETED
Bobblabla does not have the mental capacity to understand this so thinks we are abusing tmans right to be a moron..haha
2. Robovac the Absolute Imbecile, Is still making false accusations of trolling although he has been unable to debunk even one of our central points. Rather would make tman poetry threads consisting of pure swearing and sexual deviance that loyceV should read to her daughter to get some feedback on this fantastic poetry it claims to love so much. What a dumb twat loyceV is. How is this dreg the top merited person here. What single more proof could one need that this dumb bitch is another non achieving fool spamming away chipmixer for its btc dust. Back on the shit list robovac for repeating false accusations you have been challenged on multiple times before.
SHE (he , who care) gets only one thing correct. (this is rare)
You can not win.This other filthy dreg boblawblaw the non achieving mentally deranged (by his own admission) imbecile does not understand that there are other posts that we left remaining in our thread that actually present at least some attempt at refuting our points. WHY WOULD we need to remove tmans to HIDE his brilliant and insightful undeniable rebuttal hahahahahhahaha
Why would we need to delete tmans low functioning spew that brings nothing in terms of a solid rebuttal??
This disgusting retard boblawblaw is a troll. Go look at some of his rancid posts and how he even describes himself as "I'm just the dumb gay negro"
Then goes on in other posts to describe how he and his boyfriend "rick" have been on holiday tanning their assholes??
My asshole has been sun-kissed on the beaches in Turks and Caicos, cooled by the pleasant ocean winds.
Next, we're gonna try tanning our assholes in Aruba.
Like this is the sort of information that is vital to pushing this movement forward.
The funny part is this confirmed mentally ill twat is apparently giving us red trust on the basis of he "believes" he has diagnosed us mentally ill haha ....probably sitting there wondering how he can apply red trust to his own deranged dumb ass.
The guy is a deplorable mentally ill scammer protecting troll that has achieved nothing here in the years he has been a member. Go tell stories about you and your boyfriend asshole tanning exploits elsewhere.
Bobboremore does not even understand that tman his PROVEN auction scamming pal and self confessed trust abuser (like bob) is breaking the rules by repeatedly reposting his garbage on my thread that break the rules stated in the initial post.
Got it now you low functioning gross piece of human garbage? get back on your meds retard.
Want to debunk any of those points we just made get right on it filthbag.